
Booking and staying at Scalette di Piazza: everything you need to know

Scalette di Piazza B&B allows you to check in online and access the property independently from 13:00 onwards. Accepted payment methods include cash, credit card, and bank transfer. If you book directly, a deposit will be required. The reservation price varies depending on the chosen room and includes breakfast and linens for the B&B, while for holiday homes, only linens are included. For B&B cancellations, if you cancel 5 days before your stay, you will not be charged any penalty. If you cancel after that point, you will be charged 50% of the total amount. For holiday homes, you can cancel free of charge up to 7 days before arrival afterwhich you will be charged 50% of the total amount. Feel free to contact us for further details!

Check-in / check-out

Find out how self check-in works

After booking, the guest will receive a check-in online email info and then all the indications for access to the bnb or house.
Our object will is to allow the guest to arrive independently as preferred: even if it is preferable from 13 onwards so as to be sure that the housekeeping activity is completed.  

Check-out:  Scalette di Piazza at 10.30
Holiday Homes at 11.00 am  

Payment Methods

How to pay and what's included

Cash, credit card, bank transfer.
A confirmation deposit will be required for direct bookings (by phone or email or through the website).  

Reservation Cost

Linens included in the price for both apartments and the B&B

Scalette di Piazza B&B
The total amount to be paid includes linens, breakfast, and cleaning. It does not include the tourist tax, extra beds, or additional services.

Holiday Homes
The total amount to be paid includes linens. It does not include the tourist tax, extra beds, or additional services.  

Cancellation policy

Free cancellation is available

Scalette di Piazza B&B
Guests can cancel free of charge up to 5 days before arrival. Guests will be charged 50% of the total reservation amount if they cancel within 5 days of arrival..

Holiday Homes
Guests can cancel free of charge up to 7 days before arrival. Guests will be charged 50% of the total reservation amount if they cancel within 7 days of arrival.  

Ready to book?
If you have any questions, give us a call or fill in the form, or go ahead and book now

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